Worker Skills

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Add an introduction
Check this box if you belong to a Cooperative.
If you are making a profile for a Cooperative, type the name of the cooperative here. Leave this blank if you creating an individual profile for yourself.
The cooperative's primary website.
What type of work does your coop do? 
Coop contact info
Contact info for the cooperative.
Who is the contact person for this coop?
The contact email for someone in the cooperative.
The physical address of the cooperative.
The Country where the cooperative is located.
How many members are in the coop?
Coop services
What services are offered by this coop?
Add links to the repositories where your code and projects live.
My repositories
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Technical skills
Language skills
Select the skills that you and/or your cooperative have.
Professional skills
Tech stack
What is your tech stack? Front-end - Back-end?
Content management systems
Learning management systems
Static site generators
Do you have experience with any static site generators?
Operating systems
What operating systems do you work with?
Frameworks are an essential part of web development. Using frameworks endorsed by thousands of developers around the world is a very sensible approach for building rich and interactive web applications. A web app has a backend (server-side) and a frontend (client-side), so we list both best Backend frameworks as well as frontend frameworks. What frameworks do you work with?
I work with these databases.
Media and communications
Media and network services the coop or individual provides.
Add links to videos or titles of your past speaking engagements.
Speaking engagements
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Social media management
Check if you manage clients social media profiles.
What are you or your cooperative known for? What do you do that is special, or unique. Examples could include: 3D graphics, problem solving or API integrations. 
Add some skills you are currently learning.
What are you learning now?
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Check this box if you are a digital nomad
Search keywords
Add some keywords that people may use to search for you.